I purchased a Friday, Saturday, or All Access Pass, how do I access it?

  • In the top right corner of the website, you’ll see “Login.”

  • Click this button and use the email and password you used when you created an account.

  • Make sure you confirm your account through email when you create the account or your access pass(s) may not show up on your account.

I’m logged in to my account but I do not see where to access the live stream.

  • In the top right corner of the website, you’ll see “Account.”

  • Click the button to reveal your Access Pass.

  • Click “View” and follow the prompts on the screen.

I paid for an All Access Stream Pass…does that mean I can download my schools performance for free after the competition is over?

  • The All Access Stream Pass gives you access to the stream only. If you want to download and watch your schools performance after the competition ends on Saturday, you’ll need to purchase your schools video through the Video Library. All performances will be available for purchase by Sunday, March 2 at 3pm CST.